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Shift and Throttle Cable
40 and 50 Hp (3 Cyl.) Models
Install cables into the remote control following the
instructions provided with the remote control.
NOTE: Install the shift cable to the engine first. The
shift cable is the first cable to move when the remote
control handle is moved out of neutral.
40-50 Hp (3 Cyl.) – Shift Cable
1. Position remote control and outboard into neutral.
2. Measure distance “a” between mounting pin and
middle of the barrel holder.
a - Distance Between Pin And Middle Of Barrel Holder
b - Mounting Pin
c - Barrel Holder
3. Push-in on the cable end until resistance is felt.
Adjust the cable barrel (b) to attain the measured
distance “a” taken in Step 2.
4. Place cable barrel into the bottom hole in the bar-
rel holder. Fasten cable to pin with retainer.
a - Move Cable Barrel To Attain The Measured Distance
Taken In Step 2
b - Cable Barrel
c - Barrel Holder – Place Barrel Into Bottom Hole
d - Retainer
Check shift cable adjustments as follows:
a. Shift remote control into forward. The propel-
ler shaft should be locked in gear. If not, adjust
the barrel closer to the cable end.
b. Shift remote control into neutral. The propel-
ler shaft should turn freely without drag. If not,
adjust the barrel away from the cable end. Re-
peat steps a and b.
c. Shift remote control into reverse while turning
propeller. The propeller shaft should be
locked in gear. If not, adjust the barrel away
from the cable end. Repeat steps a thru c.
d. Shift remote control back to neutral. The pro-
peller shaft should turn freely without drag. If
not, adjust the barrel closer to the cable end.
Repeat steps a thru d.