90-861327--1 OCTOBER 1999
Page 4B-27
NOTE: Whenever disassembling distributor, the retainer must be replaced. DO NOT
attempt to use old retainer.
1. Remove rotor from shaft by lifting or prying straight up.
2. Remove roll pin.
a -
b -
Roll Pin
3. Remove gear, washer and tang washer.
4. Remove shaft assembly from housing.
Wear eye protection when removing spring steel retainer clips as described in the
following steps. Failure to do so may result in serious injury.
5. Remove retainer from housing as follows:
a. Use needle nose pliers to bend two corners upward on the fluted end of the retainer.
b. Pull the retainer off the center bushing. Discard the retainer.
6. Remove shield from housing.
7. Disconnect pickup coil connector from module by lifting up locking tab with a screwdriver
and carefully prying connector from module.
8. Remove pickup coil.
9. Remove module retaining screws and remove module.
Cleaning and Inspection
1. Visually inspect the cap for cracks or carbon tracks. Replace the cap if it shows any sign
of damage.
2. Check metal terminals in the cap for evidence of corrosion. Use a knife to scrape sur-
faces clean. If corrosion is deep, replace the cap.
3. Look for signs of wear or burning at the outer terminal of the rotor. Presence of carbon
on the terminal indicates serious rotor wear and need for replacement.
4. Inspect the shaft for shaft-to-bushing looseness. Insert the shaft in the housing. If the
shaft wobbles, indicating a loose fit, replace the housing and/or shaft.
5. Clean metal parts in solvent and dry with compressed air.
6. Check housing for signs of cracks or damage; replace if necessary.