Turn cap
further and remove it from cool-
ant expansion tank
Check the coolant level.
If the coolant is up to marker bar
in the
filler neck when cold, there is a sufficient
amount of coolant in coolant expansion
If the coolant is approximately 1.5 cm above
marker bar
in the filler neck when warm,
there is a sufficient amount of coolant in cool-
ant expansion tank
Topping up the coolant
If the coolant drops under marker bar
the filler neck, top up the coolant.
Observe the information on the correct cool-
ant mixture ratio and the required water qual-
ity under "Service products and capacities"
page 386). To prevent damage to the
engine cooling system, use only approved
corrosion inhibitor/antifreeze that complies
with the Mercedes-Benz Specifications for
Service Products.
Replace cap
and tighten in a clockwise
Start the engine.
Set the temperature in the vehicle interior to
the maximum output on the air-conditioning
system control panel.
After approximately five minutes, switch off
the engine again and allow it to cool down.
Check the coolant level again and top up the
coolant if necessary.
Close the bonnet.
Brake fluid
Service product can be poisonous and haz-
ardous to health. There is a risk of injury.
Observe the instructions on the respective
original container when using, storing and dis-
posing off service products. Always store ser-
vice products in the sealed original container.
Always keep service products out of the reach
of children.
If you open the bonnet while the engine is
overheating or while there is a fire in the
engine compartment, you could come into
contact with hot gases or other leaking ser-
vice products. There is a danger of injury.
Allow an overheating engine to cool down
before opening the bonnet. If there is a fire in
the engine compartment, leave the bonnet
closed and notify the fire brigade.
Certain components in the engine compart-
ment could be very hot, e.g. the engine, the
radiator and parts of the exhaust system.
There is a risk of injury when accessing the
engine compartment.
As far as possible, allow the engine to cool
down and only touch the components descri-
bed in the following.
Brake fluid is hazardous to health. Also observe
the safety notes in the "Service products and
capacities" section (
page 379).
The brake fluid continuously absorbs mois-
ture from the air. This results in the boiling
point of the brake fluid lowering. If the boiling
point of the brake fluid is too low, vapour
pockets may form when the brakes are sub-
jected to a heavy load. This would impair brak-
ing efficiency. There is a risk of an accident.
Have the brake fluid renewed at the prescri-
bed intervals.
If the brake fluid level in the brake fluid res-
ervoir has fallen to the minimum mark or less,
check the brake system immediately for
leaks. Also check the thickness of the brake
pads/linings. Visit a qualified specialist work-
shop immediately.
Do not top up the brake fluid. This does not
solve the problem.
Brake fluid corrodes paint, plastic and rub-
ber. If brake fluid comes into contact with
paint, plastic or rubber, rinse with water
Engine compartment
Maintenance and care