Introduction of the New A-Class, Model Series 176
Costs under control and projectable:
Mercedes-Benz Passenger Car Service
Which service contract is best suited to me? The
vehicle-specific service contracts enable the car
customer to choose individual protection while also
enabling him to select the best of the different
product variants available to him.
The purchasable
extension of warranty
as an
entry-level product, is geared towards safety-
oriented, price-conscious customers. Even after
expiry of the manufacturer's warranty your
customers are still safeguarded in the long term
against any unexpected repair costs.
maintenance contract
places cost transpar-
ency and projectability to the fore. All the mainte-
nance costs for the agreed upon period are hereby
covered. The services include all maintenance oper-
ations as per the Service Booklet including any
additional operations "subject to a separate
As a premium product, the
Full Service Contract
unites not only the above-mentioned maintenance
and repair operations including all wear repair work.
With this all all-round, carefree service, customers
can rely on your Mercedes-Benz being in top form
for a long time to come.
The availability and product names for the
Mercedes-Benz Service Contracts are defined on a
country-specific basis. Speak to your colleagues in
Sales or your local contact persons in the market.
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