General information
You can find check lists and helpful supplemen-
tary information about planning journeys, where
to stay overnight and tips and tricks on the
national Mercedes-Benz homepage under the
vans and recreational vehicles section
or you
can obtain such information from the national
caravan clubs. In Germany refer to the CIVD
(German caravan industry association) for infor-
Before the first journey
Ventilate your vehicle thoroughly before the first
journey. Also open the pop-up roof.
Tips on overnight stays
In order to avoid encountering problems, it is
strongly advised to arrive at your camping site
before dark. This will prevent unpleasant sur-
Please observe national laws on overnight stays.
In Germany, you are usually permitted to stay
overnight once at any location where you are
allowed to park. However, staying in one loca-
tion for longer – even for only two nights – can
cause problems. You must never give the
impression that you are camping on public park-
ing places. This means that you must not hang
out laundry, place folding chairs outside, etc.
Some locations in Germany now allow overnight
stays and provide service facilities for fresh
water and waste water without customers hav-
ing to camp there. Please refer to the publica-
tions of the CIVD (German caravan industry
association) for information.
To be on the safe side, make sure your vehi-
cle is always parked in the direction in which
you intend to leave the site. You will then be
able to leave quickly in the event of danger.
Journeys abroad
Before embarking on a journey, enquire about
specific requirements and regulations applying
to your vehicle in the countries through which
you will be driving and your destination, e.g.:
the required documents
nationality plate (in the stipulated size)
mains connector plugs if you wish to connect
your vehicle to the mains
maximum permissible speed
places to park your camper van overnight
Strictly observe the regulations of the host
country when parking overnight. Many of the
rules and regulations that have been passed in
recent years have been reactions by communi-
ties and countries to irresponsible behaviour on
the part of wild campers.
Operation in winter
Your vehicle is suitable for use in winter under
certain conditions. If you continuously heat the
vehicle and leave the pop-up roof closed, the
water supply system remains operational down
to approximately −5 †.
If the water supply is not in use in winter, the
fresh water and waste water tanks must be
Otherwise, the water supply system could
freeze and be damaged.
If there is a risk of frost and you use your vehicle
only for short periods or not at all, drain the fresh
water and waste water tanks (
page 57).
Additional equipment for winter operation:
Snow shovel
Snow chains
Starter cable
Not available in all countries.
Operation in winter
Travel tips