User manual ZUP-230V
Nr dok. 0697.00.95-02.3
mains power failure indication (MAINS FLT). In addition, the power supply can take one external fault
signal (EXT FLT).
In standard, the power supply also take a signal on its INT FLT input on a fault from the ZUP power
supply packet (outbound output) by transferring it to the general fault indication output (GEN FLT). The
power supply also triggers the LED indication on the box door. The green LED MAINS indicates the
presence of the mains power and the yellow LED FAULT is on simultaneously with the GEN FLT
signal indication.
The detailed description of the ZSP121N-DR power supply operation is included in its separate
User Manual.
On the cabinet doors instead of the MAINS and FAULT descriptions, the following pictograms can
be used, respectively:
Functioning of outputs.
The basic operation of the 230 V outputs of the ZUP-230V power supply has been described
below. It is possible, after prior arrangement, to produce such a version, in which outputs will present
other time dependencies and in particular, several outputs will have the same functionality. This allows
for direct connection of several loads, which should be powered in the same way.
Output AC-1
The AC-1 output is intended for devices that after a power failure and during a fire alarm require
maintaining the 230V voltage for some time, e.g.:
aeration gate drive (activated by a separate fire alarm signal, but it requires 230V power to
shunt trips of fire protection circuit breaker (it is activated manually with a button, but requires
the 230V power to operate).
Voltage timings for AC-1 output.
The voltage at the AC-1 output is always present when the mains voltage is present and for a
preset T1 time after its disappearance and additionally during a fire alarm in the absence of the mains
power for the T2+T3 time. When switching from the mains power to the inverter operation and vice
versa, the output has a temporary voltage drop (about 150ms).
If the fire alarm occurred already after the inverter turned off (the T1 time counted down), the
inverter restart takes place with some delay: 2s is the time to recognize the alarm occurrence and the
next 10s is the time needed to start the inverter
Description of times that can be set by a user.
A detailed way of setting times is provided in point 5.7.3.
The time T1 can be set from 1 minute up to 8 hours, which also determines the maximum time of
battery operation after power failure
The time T2 can be set from 1 up to 6 minutes and from 1 up to 6 hours, which also determines the
maximum time of activity of the power supply after a fire alarm. If a fire alarm occurred during the
countdown of the T1 time, i.e. after the mains power failure, the countdown of the T1 time is
Operating from
Operating from
Operating from