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These instruc�ons cover the basic principles to ensure the sa�sfactory installa�on of Mendip Stoves
product :- Churchill models, although detail may need slight modifica�on to suit par�cular local site.
In all cases the installa�on must comply with current Building Regula�ons, Local Authority Byelaws and
other specifica�ons or regula�ons as they affect the installa�on of the stove. It should be noted that the
Building Regula�ons requirements may be met by adop�ng the relevant recommenda�ons given in Bri�sh
Standards BS 8303, BS EN 15287 as an-alterna�ve means to achieve an equivalent level of performance to
that obtained following the guidance given in Approved Document J.
Special care must be taken when installing a stove such that the requirements of the Health & Safety at Work
Act are met.
Adequate facili�es must be available for loading, unloading and site handling.
Fire Cement
Some types of fire cement are caus�c and should not be allowed to come into contact with the skin. In case of
contact wash immediately with plenty of water.
This stove must not be installed into a chimney that serves any other hea�ng appliance. There must not be an
extractor fan fi�ed in the same room as the stove because this can cause the stove to emit fumes into the room.
This stove contains no asbestos. If there is a possibility of disturbing any asbestos in the coarse of installa�on
then please seek specialist guidance and use appropriate protec�ve equipment.
Metal Parts
When installing or servicing this stove care should be taken to avoid the possibility of personal injury.
CO Alarms:-
Building regula�ons require that whenever a new or replacement fixed solid fuel or wood/biomass appliance is
installed in a dwelling a carbon monoxide alarm must be fi�ed in the same room as the appliance. Further
guidance on the installa�on of the carbon monoxide alarm is available in BS EN 50292:2002 and from the alarm
manufacturer’s instruc�ons.
Provision of an alarm must not be considered a subs�tute for either installing the appliance correctly or
ensuring regular servicing and maintenance of the appliance and chimney system.
Stove paint Aerosols
Paint aerosols are flammable and therefore dangerous to use around a lit stove. Be sure to allow aerosols
spray paints to dry and ven�late the room well before ligh�ng the stove. The use of any aerosol around lit
stove is dangerous and care must be take in handling aerosols.
The use a fireguard to BS 8423:2002 in the presence of children, aged and/or infirm persons is
essen�al for their safety, even when the stove is not in use.
The glass on the stove is ceramic glass and able to withstand very high temperatures however it is not
toughened and a hard impact could cause the glass to break.