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Ensure that your appliance, flue ways and chimney are swept regularly. This can be incorporated in the service
regime of your appliance. Regular sweeping is essen�al and means at least once a year for smokeless fuels
and a minimum of twice a year for wood. If a throat plate is incorporated, it is essen�al that the throat plate is
removed and cleaned above, all ash and debris should be removed. Ensure adequate access tocleaning doors
where it is not possible to sweep the chimney through the appliance.
Where a chimney has served an open fire installation previously it is possible that the higher flue gas
temperature from a closed appliance may loosen deposits that were previously firmly adhered, with the
consequent risk of flue blockage. It is therefore recommended that the chimney be swept a second �me within
a month of regular use a�er installation of the stove.
Chimney Fires
If the chimney is thoroughly and regularly swept, chimney fires should not occur. However, if a chimney
does occur set the air control se�ng to the minimum, and �ghtly close the doors of the stove. This should
cause the chimney fire to go out in which case the control should be kept at the minimum se�ng un�l the fire
in the stove has gone out. The chimney and flue ways should then be cleaned. If the chimney fire does not go
out when the above ac�on is taken then the fire brigade should be called immediately.
A�er a chimney fire the chimney should be carefully examined for any damage. Expert advice should be sought
if necessary.
Mendip stoves recommends that your model needs to have the ash removed from the stove at regular intervals
(weekly if used daily). Allowing the ash pan to over flow can impede the func�on of the stove and can cause
possible damage to the stove grate and ash pan. To remove ash pan, use heat protec�ng glove provided. Li�
and pull out of firebox chamber. Take care to support ash pan during movement. Make sure the stove is
completely cold before cleaning out ash (embers can remain hot for over 24 hours).
Ash must be stored in a non-Combustible container and must not be mixed with other Combustible waste.
Annual service
The stove should be serviced by a registered dealer once a year. The stove, the flue pipe connection and the
chimney should be checked regularly by a qualified engineer. The chimney should also be checked for blockages
before religh�ng the stove if it has not been used for an extended period of time. Insula�ng fire bricks checked
for wear and replaced if necessary door and ashpan rope seals should be changed annually, glass clamps & glass
should checked making sure glass is correctly posi�oned.
To clean the inside of the stove, remove all ash, soot and tar residue from the combustion chamber. Remove
insulated chamber panels and baffle, dirt and soot will collect behind it and this must be cleaned out. The paint
can wear thin in exposed places due to overhea�ng. This, and other lacquer damage, may be repaired using
Mendip paint spray available from your Mendip dealer. To clean the outside of the stove use a dry cloth.
Your stove should be serviced annually by a registered dealer as a condi�on of the extended warranty of the
stove, failure to maintain a service record will invalidate the extended warranty on your stove.
Prolonged non use (summer)
If the stove is to be le� unused for a prolonged period of time(e.g. over the summer) then it should be given a
thorough clean to remove ash and unburned fuel residues. To enable a good flow of air through the appliance
to reduce condensa�on and subsequent damage, leave the air controls fully open.
It is important that the flue connection, any appliance baffles or throat plates and the chimney are swept prior to
ligh�ng up a�er a prolonged shutdown period.
Spare parts & unauthorised altera�ons
Only the manufacturer's own components, or replacement parts recommended and approved by Mendip
stoves, shall be used for appliance servicing and repair.
Any unauthorised altera�ons will invalidate the stove warranty and compliance with EN13240.