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Properly installed, operated and maintained this stove will not emit fumes into the dwelling. Occasional fumes from
de-ashing and re-fuelling may occur. However, persistent fume emission is poten�ally dangerous and must not be
tolerated. If fume emission does persist, then the following immediate ac�on should be taken:-
(a) Open doors and windows to ven�late the room and then leave the premises.
(b) Let the fire go out.
Check for flue or chimney blockage and clean if required
(d) Do not a�empt to relight the fire un�l the cause of the fume emission has been iden�fied and corrected. If necessary
seek expert advice.
The most common cause of fume emission is flue way or chimney blockage. For your own safety these must be kept clean
at all �mes.
CO Alarm
Your installer should have fi�ed a CO alarm in the same room as the appliance. If the alarm sounds unexpectedly, follow
the instruc�ons given under “Warning Note” above.
Aerosols are flammable and therefore dangerous to use around a lit stove. Do not use aerosols sprays near your lit stove.
The use of any aerosol is dangerous and care must be taken handling aerosols.
1. Fire Will Not Burn - check
a) the air inlet is not obstructed in any way,
b) that chimney and flue ways are clear,
c) that a suitable fuel is being used,
d) that there is an adequate air supply into the room,
e) that an extractor fan is not fi�ed in the same room as
the fire.
2. Fire Blazing Out Of Control - check
a) the doors are �ghtly closed,
b) the air controls are turned down to the minimum
c) the flue damper is closed ( if fi�ed),
d) a suitable fuel is being used,
e) the door seals are in good condi�on.
F) the chimney dra� may be too strong
G) check ash pan seal and
H) check for ash below ash pan causing pan to seat
incorrectly and clean out.
3) Soot forms on the window
a) The firewood may be too wet
b) the intake of secondary air may be insufficient
c) fire not hot enough
4) The stove fails to heat fully
a) The firewood may be too wet
b) the intake of secondary air may be insufficient
5) Smoke or odour
a) weak chimney dra�
b) check for blockages in the flue pipe/chimney
check the height of the chimney rela�ve to the
6) Soot in the chimney
a) The firewood may be too wet
b) intake of secondary air may be insufficient