Getting Started
Page 41
Configuring Wireless Functions
You can configure the following by accessing a configuration register on the SMBus:
Enable/disable power for a wireless interface card
Switch SIM card allocation to wireless interface cards
The standard Linux I2C tools give access to SMB registers.
Find out the number of the SMBus where the configuration register is located on
If you are unfamiliar with the standard Linux tools, please read the related applica-
tion note.
Usage Examples
Use the 7-bit SMB/I2C address to access a register.
The following examples assume that the SMBus number is 1.
Disable the power for a wireless interface card:
Toggle the allocation of SIM cards to wireless interface card:
Chapter 5.1.2 SMBus Configuration Registers on page 85
for the register descrip-
tion along with a list of typical command bytes.
Chapter Accessing SMBus/I2C Devices using Standard Linux I2C Tools
This disables wireless interface card A of the BL51E.
- You need to read the current value before writing, so you can change only the desired
- The SMB register has device address
Read the current value of the configuration register:
i2cget -y 1 0x21
Write value
to toggle only bit 3 in order to disable the modem.
i2cset -y 1 0x21 0x00 0 xf7 b
This switches between the primary and the secondary SIM card on wireless interface card
slot D of the BL51E.
- You need to read the current value before writing, so you can change only the desired
- The SMB register has device address
Read the current value of the configuration register:
i2cget -y 1 0x21
Write value
to toggle only bit 4 in order to switch the primary and the secondary
SIM card.
i2cset -y 1 0x21 0x00 0xef