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Goto Func Error
This error occurs when you attempt to go to a stitch or color (i.e., color change, move, trace, etc) when
the machine is already performing some function.
Wait until the machine has completed the current function, then you can perform the function that you
attempted to execute.
Hoop Center Error
This error occurs when you try to center the hoop while a design is sewing, or while you are in the mid-
dle of a design. Wait until the design is finished or clear the design and then center the hoop.
Stepper Motor Time Out and Index Errors
Time out errors are generated when the Main PCB does not receive a signal from the stepper motor reg-
ister that the motor has moved to a specified position within the time allocated by the firmware. When it
takes to long for the Main PCB to get a signal from the optical sensor that the stepper motor has moved
to a specified position, then a time out error is generated.
Index errors are generated when the Main PCB does not receive a signal from the index sensors that the
motor is at the index position to allow some other function of the machine to proceed.
If you are getting this error frequently, troubleshoot the problem using the steps shown in the table
Step Action
Next Action
Check for a bind or obstruc-
tion of the assembly the motor
Obstruction found
Remove the obstruction
No obstruction
Go to Step 2
Verify harness connections
Loose connection
Secure the connectors. If nec-
essary use cable ties.
No loose connections
Go to Step 3
Inspect the harnesses for bare,
broken, or pinched wires,
chaffing or other damage.
Any found
Replace the grabber/thread
feed/cc home harness.
No damage to wires
Goto Step 4
Trouble shoot the stepper
motor using the procedures
in “Troubleshooting Stepper
Status box does not alternate
between “Open and Blocked”
Replace the optical sensor PCB.
The sensor is not detecting
Status box alternates back and
Go to Step 5
Test the optical sensor us-
ing the steps prescribed in “
Testing Optical Sensors”
Optical Sensor is dirty
Attempt to clean it or replace it
Optical Sensor good
contact Technical Support. The
Main Control PCB might be
Table of Contents