Basic memory functions
The internal memory is limited to fifty test records where a record represents a full result of one of the programmed
standard tests. Best practice is to backup internal results on a daily basis by saving onto a USB memory device. When
saving to USB memory device, a filename in the format of a maximum eight characters is required and the filename
entered must only contain characters A-Z, a-z and 0-9.
Memory functions are accessible from the files menu and include the following:
Print last result
The user can select between internal memory and a USB memory device for the
save, recall and delete functions. After selection of a memory location the relevant
files are displayed on screen. Navigation is via the arrow keys as follows:
Up and down arrow move up and down one item at a time. Left and right arrows implement a page up and page
down function to assist navigation where large numbers of file are present.
In the delete function window the user can select all, deselect all or select one file at a time. Select a single file by
navigating to the file (blue highlight) and pressing OK to select (red highlight changing to grey when navigating away
from the selected file.)
The recall function operates on one file at a time.
Transfer results to USB flash drive
Users may want to copy results from internal memory to a USB memory device as either an end-of-day procedure or
whenever the 50 result file limit is reached. The following procedure will backup files to a USB memory device:
1. From the file menu, select ‘Save’
2. Then ‘Select USB’
3. Enter a filename using only characters A-Z, a-z and 0-9 via the virtual keypad on the PB models or the actual keypad
on the AF models, and return to save function screen
4. Navigate down to ‘Select Results’ – a full list of internally saved results are presented by TestID.
5. Select required results and then ‘SAVE’ to transfer the results to filename (as entered) on the memory device.
6. Navigate back to top level functions and remove the memory device (if required)