Custom tests
Custom tests are tests that can be defined by a user by giving the user control over the range of parameters set in a
test. Three custom tests have been pre-programmed for user definition;
Custom (5) – this test contains 5 successive breakdown tests
Custom (6) – this test contains 6 successive breakdown tests
Custom (10) – this test contains 10 successive breakdown tests
Navigate to the Tools top level screen as illustrated below. Select, “Manage Test Standards” by pressing the OK button.
Go down to, “Edit Custom Test Parameters” and press the OK button. The custom parameters screen shows a set of
variables that control a breakdown test. Each variable is user settable, simply navigate down to the required setting,
press the OK button and proceed to change the value as required. For numeric entry on the OTS AF models the
decimal point can be entered by quickly pressing the digit ‘1’ twice. So to enter 2.5 mm gap setting the user enters the
following sequence:
1, 1
In the customs test parameters screen ‘set max. kV’ may appear as, ‘set kV (max. xxx)’ in certain versions of firmware.
All entry fields in the custom test parameters screen are range checked to ensure it is valid. When all values are set the
user navigates back to the Tools screen via the RETURN function. The user should ensure that the relevant custom tests
are selected as favorite tests before leaving the manage test standards screen.