Favourite test standards
It is important to setup favourite test standards from the standards library to avoid navigating thorough the entire
list each time you want to change to a different test. To do this navigate to the ‘Tools’ top level window and select
‘Manage test standards’. Then move down to ‘Select favourite tests’ and choose only those tests which you require,
making sure you have the most recent version of each test, unless you specifically want to use an old test standard.
Tests are greyed out when selected. Simply return to the previous screens to save your selection. The screens below
illustrate this process.
Performing a breakdown
Select the ‘Home’ tab window using the arrow keys and ‘OK’ button. This
window offers a summary of information required for a measurement. The
following image shows a typical setup with the selected standard test, the
test identification or asset ID comprised of an asset number and two digit
serial number, the type of oil, required electrode gap, electrode shape and
finally the stirrer.
When the user selects a particular standard only valid options are
presented with respect to gap setting, electrodes and stirrer options.
Navigation is simple; up and down arrow buttons move up and down the left side of the window whilst options for
each line can be scrolled through using the ‘OK’ key, or information
entered in the case of Test ID.
Test in progress
During a test the screen flashes red warning HV symbols to remind the
user that a high voltage test is in progress. As a safety measure, any key
press will immediately halt the test.
The electrode potential difference is displayed as it ramps up in
over-sized digits to emphasise the presence of high voltage.
Between tests there is a dwell time and possibly a stirring action. A count
down timer indicates period of dwell or stirring remaining.