Envoy E Series User Guide 20171215-40.docx
Page 61 of 64
Keypad button cross reference
The following chart shows all keypad (and side) buttons and what occurs when pressed during different
modes of player operation. To save space, the following abbreviations are used for repeated terms:
Short press,
Long press,
Continuous press
Audio Playback Mode
FM Radio Mode
Recording Mode
Speed Control Mode
SP: switch from low
beam, to medium, to
high, to off
CP: activate high beam
until button is released
SP: switch from low
beam, to medium, to
high, to off
CP: activate high beam
until button is released
SP: switch from low
beam, to medium, to
high, to off
CP: activate high beam
until button is released
SP: switch from low
beam, to medium, to
high, to off
CP: activate high beam
until button is released
LP: switch to FM Radio
mode (set temporary
LP: switch to FM Radio
Exit Speed Control mode
SP: scroll to next Section
LP: scroll to next onboard
Language, then to first
Language on microSD
card (if present)
LP: switch to Audio
Playback mode
SP: begin playback of
LP: switch to Audio
Playback mode
Exit Speed Control mode
SP: scroll back to previous
LP: scroll back 5 Books at
a time
CP: scroll back 5 Books at
a time until first Book or
button is released
SP: decrement frequency
by 0.1MHz
LP: scan for previous FM
While in playback…
LP: delete the
Exit Speed Control mode
Audio Playback Mode
FM Radio Mode
Recording Mode
Speed Control Mode
LP: switch to Recording
mode (set temporary
LP: switch to Recording
While recording…
SP: end recording
SP: begin recording
Exit Speed Control mode
SP: scroll forward to next
LP: scroll forward 5 Books
at a time
CP: scroll forward 5 Books
at a time until last Book
or button is released
SP: increment frequency
by 0.1MHz
LP: scan for next FM
LP: reset the file counter
to 000 (zero)
Exit Speed Control mode
SP: scroll to the previous
LP: scroll back 5 Chapters
at a time
CP: scroll back 5 Chapters
at a time until first
Chapter or button is
SP: switch to the pre-
programmed station for
this button
LP: program the button to
the current station
While in playback…
SP: skip to the
beginning of the current
recording file
LP: skip back 5
recording files at a time
CP: skip back 5 files until
first file is reached
Exit Speed Control mode
Continued on next page