User manual for medifa 5000 operating table Version 2.1
we care.Code
In order to provide help for problems or service queries, a “we care.Code” is provided on
the product. The sticker is located on the column cladding.
You can scan the QR code using your mobile phone camera or a QR code app. When
you scan the QR code that is linked with the product type and the serial number, you
will be directed to digital self-service with step-by-step instructions.
You can use the QR code to access the product documents (e.g. user manual) and to
send service queries directly to medifa.
If your mobile phone language is not yet available in the "we care.Code" system, the
English variant will be shown to you. Tap on EN or DE to set the language to English or
Scan the QR code. Your product will
be shown on the home page. Scroll
down to get more information about
your product and you can also down-
load supporting documents.
Select the area for which you
need help.
After selecting the problem faced by your product, you will get a step-by-step guide to rectify this problem on
your own.
16. we care. Code
Tap on “Troubleshooting”.