Technical Manual
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
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Behavior after bus power up
No Scan
Scan inputs
If the inputs are not scanned at a bus
power up, the converter can only re-
evaluate if the input value has changed,
because the value before is unknown.
Gate control
Not use gate
1= closed,
0= opened
0= closed,
1= opened
The gate is a type of locking function for
the converter. If the gate is closed,
depending on the setting to 0 or 1, no
value is passed from the input to the
output of the converter and therefore
the converter is blocked.
Table 22: Converter module -> general settings
The following table shows the objects of the converter, which are identical for all operating modes
(here for the converter module A):
Length Usage
Gate control input A
1 Bit
Open/Close the gate function
Table 23: Communication object -> Converter module general
4.5.2 Converter Byte->Bit
The following picture shows the available settings for Byte to Bit:
Figure 19: Converter, Mode: Byte => Bit