Technical Manual
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] •
4.3 Alarm function
The LED Indicator contains of an extensive alarm-function, which can monitor LEDs in the absent
mode. As soon as a LED gets a certain value, this can be signaled by sending a one-command on one
of four freely adjustable alarm objects. Both the LEDs and the LED 1 priority of all LEDs can be
The settings for the LED1 can be seen in the pictures below:
Figure 12: Alarm function - LED 1
Figure 13: Alarm function - LED priority 1
The available settings are shown in the table below:
Dynamic range
[default value]
Alarm at absent for LED 1
no alarm
Alarm at 1
Alarm at 0
Setting if and when an alarm should be
triggered for LED 1
Alarm at 1 = Alarm is triggered when LED
is turned on
Alarm at 0 = Alarm is turned on when LED
is turned off
Assign alarm object
Alarm 1
Alarm 2
Alarm 3
Alarm 4
Setting which object sends an one-
command in case of this alarm
Alarm at absent for Priority 1
no alarm
Alarm at 1
Alarm at 0
Setting if and when an alarm for priority 1
LED 1 should be triggered
Alarm at 1 = Alarm is triggered when LED
1 is turned on priority
Alarm at 0 = Alarm is turned on when LED
is turned off Priority 1
Assign alarm object
Alarm 1
Alarm 2
Alarm 3
Alarm 4
Setting which object sends an one-
command in case of this alarm
Table 11: Alarm function