It is recommended to air the room the first time the stove is switched on, to evacuate any smells and/or fumes emitted by
the paint during the drying and hardening stage due to the heat.
Do not stand close to the stove and as mentioned, air the room. The smoke and smell of paint will disappear after
about an hour of operation; however, they are not harmful in any case.
It is recommended to start the product for the first time using thin and seasoned wood.
The combustion air inlet must be fully open (START POSITION).
When combustion has started up, normal sized wood can be
Each time the wood is loaded, the door must be opened slowly to prevent smoke blow back in the room.
We recommend doing the following:
fill the wood from the top, instead of from the bottom as is the tradition,
to reduce polluting emissions;
use very dry kindling or suitable fire lighters to rapidly reach a high temperature in the firebox, but avoid paper or cardboard that
pollute the air when burning;
help fresh air reach the fire at the beginning by completely opening the air vent. Close the vent when you have good base of embers
introduce larger logs later and that we don’t excessively fill the combustion chamber;
always keep the appliance’s door properly closed during operation.
It is very important to observe the ignition procedures in order to heat the structure and flue and ensure the desired level of performance,
except with the first two/three start-ups for running in the new fireplace, when it is recommended not to overheat the product.
To ignite, load a generous amount of mixed fuel comprising small pieces of wood and logs of medium size (6/7 Kg), and do the same also
for the next load. It not advisable to use large logs for ignition as these make the process of ignition and heating longer and less efficient.
Large logs can be used later when the fireplace has been run in.
This procedure allows the structure to heat up quickly and maintain an ideal internal temperature to ensure the best possible performance,
the cleanliness of the glass and the whiteness of the internal refractory material.
The quality of the flames and cleanliness of the internal surfaces of the flue (white Alutec and clean glass) are an excellent indicator of the
internal temperature of the unit (*). The higher the internal temperature, the better the performance and cleanliness during operation.
The best performance, in fact, is obtained when a small bed of glowing embers gathers at the base of the firebox that helps to keep the
internal temperature high and uniform.
After ignition and heating of the chamber, the EASY GOING air register can be used to control the flames as required. For subsequent use of
the fireplace, load the amount of wood SPECIFIED in the TECHNICAL characteristics of each model of the PLASMA fireplace.
(*) The quality and humidity of the wood (<20%) and quality and draught of the flue (>12 Pa when hot) strongly influence performance
and reaching of the internal temperatures, as well as cleaning afterwards.