As a result of the previous procedures, the network communications connector should be
disconnected from the B port at every controller on the trunk except for the level-1 controller. Be sure
that this is true before continuing this procedure.
For communications to occur, each networked level-2 controller must have the proper hex switch
setting and the proper voltages at its port B terminals.
Set the network address (hex switch setting) to match the address on the engineering schedule.
Each controller must have a unique address.
Turn on power to the level-2 controller. Refer to the controller installation manuals for information
on how to turn on power to each controller.
Check the voltages of port B directly on the AMP connector. The trunk must not be connected to
the controller when you do this.
Use a DC voltmeter to test for proper voltages. With the ground lead on the control panel chassis
(ground), check the voltage at the “+,” “–,” and “ground” terminals. Refer to Table 9 for the
correct voltage levels.
If no voltage or improper voltage levels are found, verify that the controller is energized.
Check for proper communication trunk voltages at the field wiring terminals (if any) or directly on
the connector. The trunk must not be connected to the controller when you do this.
If no voltage or improper voltages are found, check the wiring between the port terminals and the
field terminals (if any). Using Table 9 and Figure 12, verify that the three conductors are properly
terminated in the network communications connector. If there is still a problem, verify that the
level-1 controller is energized and that the communications trunk wiring is intact.
Plug the network connector into port B.
10. Verify that network communications have begun.
If the level-1 controller is a NMP or OPM Panel, you need a PC to verify communications.
Refer to the Monitor user’s manual for more information.
Absorption Chiller Unit Controller Connection
In order for the MAG Panel to communicate with the absorption chiller, a communications interface
cable (CIC) is connected between the MAG and the absorption chiller unit controller.
Connect the uncased end of the CIC to the MAG controllers field wiring terminals as follows:
Table 11. Network MAG Controller - CIC Connection
Wire Color
MAG Controller Terminal
1b. Connect an AMP-type connector to the uncased end of the CIC for direct connecting to the
MAG controllers port A (see Figure 13).