EXTender 6000 Quick Installation Guide
IP Network (RVP_IP)
This section of the manual provides the necessary information to configure the EXTender for connection
within an IP network.
Note: The units are programmed at the factory with RVP_Direct “default” settings. The Type parameter
must be set to RVP_Over_IP
IP Network
Branch Office
Punch Block
EXTender 6000
Punch Block
Corporate Office
Figure 17: RVP_IP Typical Installation
Prerequisites for Configuration
The Gateway (at the corporate site) and the EXTender (at the branch office) must be installed
properly and the network link between both devices must be operational.
The network administrator must assign IP address information for both units.
TCP/UDP Requirements
Ensure that the correct TCP/UDP ports have been opened to allow the EXTender to connect to the
Gateway through your company firewall. The following TCP/UDP port requirements must be met:
The EXTender 6000 uses even numbered ports 12,288 to 12,544. The port numbers start at 12,288 and
increment by 2 to the total number of ports used. For example, if you have an 8 port EXTender 6000 with
3 telephones connected, ensure that ports 12,288, 12,290, and 12,292 are opened.
The Gateway unit uses TCP/UDP port 2698.
Basic Configuration
Table 8:
RVP_IP Basic Configuration Steps
You must …
Set Connect Parameters
Configure the Remote Unit to communicate over
the IP net-work.
page 29
Set IP Parameters
Configure the Remote Unit with required IP
page 30