How to Operate the Tuner
How to Tune Stations Manually
The McIntosh MX134 TM1 AM/FM Tuner Module incor-
porates an advanced design AM/FM Tuner with many de-
sirable performance features to enhance your enjoyment of
radio broadcasts. There are four methods of tuning to an
AM/FM Broadcast Station. These are Manual, Automatic
Preset Review, Preset Push-button Search and Direct Preset
Number Access using the Remote Control.
1. Select TUNer with the Front Panel INPUT A (Listen)
Switch or the Remote Control TUNER Push-button.
Refer to figures 78 & 79.
2. Press the SELECT Push-button on the Front Panel until
the desired AM or FM Broadcast Band is selected.
Note: When using the Remote Control press either the
FM or AM Push button to select the desired Broadcast
3. Press the Front Panel TUNING Up
or Down
button, or the CHANNEL Up
or Down
ton on the Remote Control, to select stations. Press and
release the TUNING (CHANNEL) Push-buttons to
move from one station to the next. Press and hold to
move continuously up or
down the broadcast band.
When a station is selected,
the Front Panel Alphanu-
meric Display will indicate
(from left to right) Station
Signal Strength from 1 to 9,
a dot if the Broadcast is Ste-
reo, the AM or FM Station
Frequency, AM or FM
Broadcast Band and a Pre-
set Number (if that station
has been assigned a Preset).
Refer to figures 76 and 77.
Notes: FM Broadcast Band
Indications are in
Megahertz in the US and
Canada, and change
frequency in 200kHz
steps. The second digit to
the right of the dot which
displays a 0, is used for
FM stations in various
locations other than the
US where stations change
in 50kHz steps. AM
Broadcast Band
Indications are in
Kilohertz and change
frequency in 10kHz steps.
Figure 79
Figure 76
Figure 78
Figure 77