Front Panel Alphanumeric Display will return
to normal.
2. The location of the Trim Selector Control will
remain in the last selected position until the
INPUT A Signal Source or Surround Mode is
Bass, Treble and Loudness Compensation
The MX134 allows for changing the tonal response for any
of the eleven inputs via the BASS, TREBLE and LOUD-
NESS Compensation TRIM Adjustments. Any tonal
changes made are saved in permanent memory and auto-
matically recalled any time that particular input is selected
again. The Bass and Treble Tonal Response can be adjusted
up or down by 12db from the Flat Setting.
The Loudness Control Function automatically increases
bass response as the volume level is lowered for improved
listening at softer volume levels. The amount of Loudness
Boost is adjustable in 10% increments from 10% to 100%.
The maximum Loudness boost is 18dB, less any bass boost
that may have been previously set by the Bass Trim func-
tion. For example if the Bass is boosted 10dB, the maxi-
mum additional Loudness boost will be 18dB less 10dB or
Note: If tonal adjustments are performed on an input when the
Surround Mode is set to the THX CINEMA, a flat tonal
response will be reset for that input when the MX134 is
switched Off.
1. Press and release the TRIM Push-button until BASS
TRIM appears on the Front Panel Alphanumeric Dis-
play. Refer to figure 48.
2. Press and release the LEVEL Up
Push-button until
the number 10 appears to the right of BASS TRIM on
the Front Panel Alphanumeric Display. This is an ex-
ample of increasing the Bass response by 10dB.
3. Press and release the TRIM Push-button until TREB
TRIM appears on the Front Panel Alphanumeric Dis-
play. Refer to figure 49.
4. Press and release the LEVEL Up
Push-button until
the number 11 appears to the right of TREB on the
Front Panel Alphanumeric Display. This is an example
of increasing the Treble response by 11dB.
5. Press the TRIM Push-button until TRIMLOUD ap-
pears on the Front Panel Alphanumeric Display. Refer
to figure 50.
6. Press a LEVEL Up
or Down
Push-button until the
desired percent of Loudness is indicated to the right of
TRIMLOUD on the Front Panel Alphanumeric Dis-
Display Brightness
The MX134 Trim feature allows adjustments to the bright-
ness of the Front Panel Alphanumeric Display to the de-
sired intensity. The Display Trim brightness range extends
from Off to a maximum of 31.
Note:You may find it easiest to make Display adjustments with
the Front Panel Controls.
1. Press and release the TRIM Push-button, or turn the
TRIM SELECT Control, until DISPLAY appears on
the Front Panel Alphanumeric Display. A number to the
right of the display indicates the current brightness
level. Refer to figure 51.
2. Press a LEVEL Up
or Down
Push-button, or turn
the TRIM LEVEL Control, until you reach the desired
display brightness.
How to Operate the MX134, con’t
Figure 48
Figure 49
Figure 51
Figure 50