Round Bale Wrapper
Safety switch
If either of the safety arms are tripped a warning will be
displayed and the satellite will stop. When the safety arm is
released, press and hold ‘Resume’ to continue wrapping.
Filter blocked
If the filter is blocked a warning will be displayed. Check if
oil filter needs replacing. Press ‘ESC’ to silence the alarm.
Low voltage
If the voltage drops below 10.5 V, then a warning will be
displayed. The usual causes are nearly always either an
inadequate power lead cable or corroded connections.
Ensure the cable connection to 12 V socket is of good
This warning message is shown if the wrapper slow speed
has not been calibrated.
Calibration complete
This warning message is shown when calibration has been
completed (Satellite has been rotated for 3 revolutions and
the slow speed target has been achieved).