Round Bale Wrapper
6.3 Number of wrapping arm rotations
To determine the number of wrapping arm rotations required to cover a bale, carry out
the following procedure:
Using manual operation, from the control box, manually count the number of
wrapping arm rotations to cover the bale completely with plastic film
Add 0.5 to this number
Multiply the resultant figure by 2 (for 4 film layers), 3 (for 6 film layers),
4 (for 8 layers), 5 (for 10 layers), etc.
Round up to the next full number if the result contains a fraction of a full
Number of ‘Wrapping arm rotations’ to cover bale: 3.5 = (x)
Number of rotations to apply 4 layers of film to bale = (3.5 + 0.5) x 2 = 8
Important Notes:
(x) ‘Wrapping arm rotation’ = both dispensers rotating 360° around the bale.
Bale diameter must not vary by more than 3%. If this is not possible, then the
above test must be carried out on the largest diameter bales to be wrapped.
NOTE: Check bale diameter for enough wrapping ring rotations
It is very important to note that bales in excess of 1,300 mm will not have
enough ‘wrapping ring rotations’ if the above exercise has been carried
out on a normal 1,250 mm bale. Therefore, it is important to check the
bale diameter at every change in crop condition or in differing crop row
widths and densities.
ENVIRONMENT: Recycling of film roll
Respect the environment! Never throw away or burn the waste film and
the core tube. Always take waste materials to a recycling centre.