Maxtor OneTouch IV
Frequently Asked Questions
These are common, frequently asked questions about the OneTouch 4. For further
information, refer to the Seagate Knowledge Base at
1. What are the minimum Operating System requirements for the OneTouch 4?
Microsoft Windows:
• XP Professional, XP Home, XP Media Center Edition*
• Vista Home Basic, Vista Home Premium, Vista Business, Vista Ultimate*
* 32-bit Operating Systems only
• Mac OSX 10.4.9 and newer
No other Operating System versions are supported. Although other Operating Systems
may recognize the OneTouch 4 as an external storage device, the OneTouch 4 installation
software will not work.
2. What do I do if my computer doesn’t recognize my OneTouch 4?
It can take your computer up to two (2) minutes to recognize a OneTouch 4. If your
computer does not see the drive after several minutes, try the following:
• Verify that power and interface cables are properly connected,
OneTouch 4 Mini Users:
Make sure to connect the interface cables in the
following sequence:
Power + Data
Power Only
Type B Interface directly to the OneTouch 4 Mini
Windows Users:
Make sure the OneTouch 4 drive is recognized in My Computer in
XP (Computer in Vista), Disk Management, or Device Manager.
Macintosh Users:
Make sure the OneTouch 4 drive is mounted on the Apple
Desktop and is recognized in the System Profiler.
• If you’re connecting through an USB Hub, make sure it’s a powered USB Hub.
• Did you set a DrivePass password on the OneTouch 4 and then move it to another
computer? If so, the other computer cannot see the locked OneTouch 4. You must
either install the Maxtor Manager on the other computer and unlock the drive or
return the OneTouch 4 to the original system and disable DrivePass through the
Maxtor Manager.
3. Can I back up my entire system using the OneTouch 4's Backup feature?
No. The Backup feature is designed to back up your data (documents, pictures, music,
videos, etc.). The Backup feature cannot back up your entire computer. Windows
OneTouch 4 Plus and OneTouch 4 Mini users can use SafetyDrill to back up their