RX Priority
Your Maxon Dealer may have programmed a Group ID as
an RX PRIORITY (Receive Priority) ID. Whenever your
radio receives this ID, the LCD display will show the words
"RX PRI" in place of the normal alphanumeric System /
Group identifier. "RX PRI" will remain in the display until
you press any button or key on the radio. An RX priority
message takes priority over any other message, other than
a telephone interconnect message.
First Available System Scan
When you are Out of Range of any System when trying to
transmit, First Available System Scan (FASS) will scan
all Systems programmed and look for the first System that
is in range of the radio.
To enter First Available System Scan (FASS), rotate the
On-Off/Volume control counter clockwise to detent,
shutting off power to radio. Press and hold the SCN key
while turning the radio power back on. The word "FASS"
will show in the upper right portion of the display. When
you attempt to transmit and the selected System is out of
range, the radio will emit a short tone indicating the System
is out of range and "FASS" mode has started. When the
radio detects a System in range, scanning will stop and the
radio will emit a short series of tones (auto ringback tone)
to indicate a System is in range. Normal operation may
resume. To exit "FASS" mode, press SCN.