REV. 1.0.6
Multi-Purpose Inputs and Outputs
The XR17V358 provides 16 multi-purpose inputs/outputs MPIO[15:0] for general use. Each pin can be
programmed to be an input or output function. The input logic state can be set for normal or inverted level, and
optionally set to generate an interrupt. The outputs can be set to be normal HIGH or LOW state, 3-state, or
open drain. Their functions and definitions are programmed through 6 registers: MPIOINT, MPIOLVL, MPIO3T,
MPIOINV, MPIOSEL, and MPIOOD. If all 16 pins are set for inputs, all 16 interrupts would be ORed together.
The ORed interrupt is reported in the channel 0 UART interrupt status, see Interrupt Status Register. The pins
may also be programmed to be outputs and to the 3-state condition for signal sharing. The MPIO[0] pin can be
programmed to show the Timer output. When it is programmed to be the Timer output, all the above 5 registers
lose control over the MPIO[0] pin. For details on Timer output, please see
“Section 1.4.2, General Purpose 16-
bit Timer/Counter [TIMERMSB, TIMELSB, TIMER, TIMECNTL] (default 0xXX-XX-00-00)” on page 23
Logic 0 (default) - Global interrupt enable. Interrupts to PCI host are enabled.
Logic 1 - Global interrupt disable. Interrupts to PCI host are disabled.
Logic 0 - EEPROM load is valid.
Logic 1 - EEPROM load error caused by one of the following conditions: EEPROM not
attached, final bit not found, parity error detected.
REGB[20] (Write-Only)
Control the EECK, clock, output on the EEPROM interface.
REGB[21] (Write-Only)
Control the EECS, chips select, output to the EEPROM device.
REGB[22] (Write-Only)
EEDI data input. Write data to the EEPROM device.
REGB[23] (Read-Only)
EEDO data output. Read data from the EEPROM device.
REGB Register