After the confirmation of the above conditions, prepare the wiring as follows:
1) Never fail to have an individual power circuit specifically for the air conditioner. As for
the method of wiring, be guided by the circuit diagram posted on the inside of control
2) The screw which fasten the wiring in the casing of electrical fittings are liable to come
loose from vibrations to which the unit is subjected during the course of
transportation. Check them and make sure that they are all tightly fastened. (If they
are loose, it could cause burn-out of the wires.)
3) Specification of power source.
4) Confirm that electrical capacity is sufficient.
5) See to that the starting voltage is maintained at more than 90 percent of the rated
voltage marked on the name plate.
6) Confirm that the cable thickness is as specified in the power source specification.
7) Always install an earth leakage circuit breaker in a wet or moist area.
8) The following would be caused by voltage drop.
Vibration of a magnetic switch, which will damage the contact point, fuse breaking, disturbance of the
normal function of the overload.
9) The means for disconnection from a power supply shall be incorporated in the fixed
wiring and have an air gap contact separation of at least 3mm in each active(phase)
Air and moisture in the refrig erant system have unde sirab le effe cts as indicated below:
Pr essur e in th e syst em rises.
Op eratin g cur rent ri ses.
Co oling or hea ting e fficien cy dro ps.
Mo isture in the refrig erant circu it may freez e and block capill ary tub ing.
Water m ay lea d to c orrosi on of p arts in the r efrige ration syste m.
Therefore, the in door u nit an d tubi ng bet ween the in door a nd ou tdoor unit m ust be leak tested
and evacua ted to remo ve an y nonconde nsables and mois ture fr om th e syst em.
Air purging with vacuum pump
Pr epara tion
Ch eck th at each tub e(both liquid and gas si de tub es) be tween the indoor and o utdoo r units
ha ve been pro perly conne cted and all wiring for th e test run h as been com plete d. Remove
the service va lve ca ps from both the g as an d the l iquid side on the o utdoo r unit. Note that
bo th the liquid and the gas side service valves on the ou tdoor unit a re kep t closed at this
sta ge.
Pipe len gth an d refrigeran t amo unt:
pipe length
Less than 5m
More than 5m
Air purging
Use vacuum
Use vacuum
Additional amount of refrigerant to be charged
Air purging
R22: (Pipe length-5m)x30g/m
R410A: (Pipe length-5m)x15g/m
R407c: (Pipe length-5m)x30g/m