MI 850A349 1 D
Entering maximum
The following are examples of displaying tension that results from the value
entered for maximum tension and the selection of the decimal point
position. The DTR-65 displays tension with three significant digits.
Example 1
Using two GTSD-15000M load cells:
The rated load is 30000 kg.
The application’s maximum tension is 15000 kg.
Enter decimal point position as 000.0.
Enter Maximum tension as 15.0.
The DTR-65 now displays tension with units of 1000 kg.
The display will increment in 100 kg steps.
Same application but desired units are Newtons:
The load cell’s rated load is 294 kN.
The application’s maximum tension is 147 kN.
Enter decimal point position as 0000.
Enter Maximum tension as 147.
The DTR-65 now displays tension with units of 1 kN.
The display will increment in 1 kN steps.
Same application but desired units are Pounds:
The load cell’s rated load is 66.1 kPounds.
The application’s maximum tension is 33.0 kPounds.
Enter decimal point position as 000.0.
Enter maximum tension as 33.0.
The DTR-65 will now display tension with units of
1 kPound.
The display will increment in 0.1 kPound steps.