Fife-200 Web Guiding System
MI 1-918 1 C
Model number key
Fife-200 Web Guiding Controller
Model number: FB-C
Part number: 220544-001
Fife-200 Web Guiding Operator Interface
Model number: OI-FB
Part number: 220490-xxx
xxx specifies the length of the cable in 0.1 meter increments.
Fife-200 Web Guiding Web Guide
Model number: FB-abcddefgggh
Part number: C101183-abcddefggghjj
abcddefgggh specifies the mechanical attributes of each guide.
jj specifies the length of the motor and sensor cables in
0.1 meter increments.
a = Guide size (roll face x guide span)
1 = 60 x 60
2 = 110 x 110
3 = 140 x 140
4 = 200 x 200
[2.36 x 2.36]
[4.33 x 4.33]
[5.51 x 5.51]
[7.87 x 7.87]
b = Roller diameter
0 = No rollers
1 = 25 [0.98]
2 = 50 [1.96]
c = Roller coatings
0 = No rollers
1 = Standard
2 = Hard coat anodize
3 = Dragon Elite II plasma coat
4 = Rubber cork tape
5 = 11036 plasma coat
dd = Sensor type
00 = None
01 = SE-47
XX = Other standard Fife sensors