SDT 5000 User Manual
Document MBUD-0109v11
Data set ready
(DSR) mode
The DSR mode controls the output of DSR with the following values:
CONNECTED. The default value is ASSERT.
See DCD mode descriptions for the operation of each mode.
The user via the AT&SN command on the RTU port may modify this value.
RTU port baud rate
The RTU port baud rate controls the rate of data to and from the RTU port.
Valid baud rate values include: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, or 57600. The default value is 9600 baud.
RTU port data bits
The ‘RTU port data bits’ defines the number of data bits of the RTU data.
Valid data bits are 7 or 8 bits. The default value is 8 bits.
RTU port stop bits
The ‘RTU port stop bits’ defines the number of stop bits per characters.
Valid stop bits are 1 or 2 bits. The default value is 1 stop bit.
Tx flow control
The tx flow control value is the default setting for the ‘transmit data flow
control’ in AT mode. This value may be modified by the user via the
AT&Hn command on the RTU port.
RX hw flow
The RX hw flow control value is the default setting for the ‘Received data
hardware flow control’ in AT mode. This value may be modified by the
user via the AT&Rn command on the RTU port.
Rx SW flow
The Rx SW flow control value is the default setting for the ‘Receive
software data flow control’ in AT mode. This value may be modified by the
user via the AT&In command on the RTU port.
The RTU has the option to use the Narrowband protocol to communicate with the SDT 5000. The
Narrowband protocol provides a reliable transfer of information to and from the SDT 5000 and
the RTU. The Narrowband protocol allows the RTU to directly control the communications of the
SDT 5000. The RTU can also configure the SDT 5000 with the commands available via the
command server. See the section “Command Server” for further information.
Narrowband protocol allows multiple connections to multiple hosts or to other METs may be
established. The number of connections provided by the service provider limits the number of
simultaneous connections the Narrowband protocol supports. The number of connections
supported by the SDT 5000 is shown with the command:
>x25status nsvc
Messages from the host to the RTU are not constrained in length. The data is sent to the RTU as
each X25 packet of data is received by the SDT 5000, regardless of the M bit. Messages from the
RTU to the SDT 5000 are not constrained in length, as a complete packet of data is received by
Version 1.1, 03/24/06
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