SDT 5000 User Manual
Document MBUD-0109v11
The port parameters, baud rate, data bits, parity, and stop bits must be set to match the
RTU. The default values are: 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.
>trcfg baud 9600
>trcfg data 8
>trcfg parity none
>trcfg stop 1
X25 destination address is the X25 address of the host.
>trcfg dest 316520020034
The transparent mode provides a number of other parameters which affect the operation
of the port and when data is transmitted etc. Please see the ‘trcfg’ command for details on
the other parameters.
The SDT 5000 is now ready to send messages to the host. Have the RTU (or use a
terminal) to send data in the RTU port. After several seconds, the data should arrive at the
To troubleshoot the RTU port for transparent mode:
There are several commands that can be used to troubleshoot the connection between the SDT
5000 and the RTU.
To send data to the RTU:
>trsend “\x02test data\r”
“<STX>test data<CR>” will be sent out of the RTU port to the RTU.
To monitor what data is received from the RTU:
>trmonitor y
All data received from the RTU will be displayed on the Test Port. For example:
00000000: 74 65 73 74 20 64 61 74 61 20 66 72 6F 6D 20 74 test data from t
00000010: 68 65 20 72 74 75 he rtu
Note: When monitoring data the data is NOT set to the host.
To stop monitoring data use the following command or reboot the unit:
>trmonitor n
Version 1.1, 03/24/06
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