SDT 5000 User Manual
Document MBUD-0109v11
Pressing <Control-A> twice on the VT100 terminal starts the command line. The command line
will display a prompt:
NIL> _ Command line usage
The command line is a text based request response system of entering commands. A similar
interface is the “Command” window under Windows®. Commands are terminated with
<ENTER>. The <UP ARROW> and <DOWN ARROW> on the VT100 keyboard allow the
user to scroll through the command history. <BACKSPACE>, <DELETE>, <RIGHT
ARROW> and <LEFT ARROW> allow the user to edit the command line data.
Note: Command line commands are generally not case sensitive.
The command syntax is detailed in the SDT 5000 Command Reference. Several commands
are described below for convenience. Login command
The login command allows the user to sign into the SDT 5000. There are various login
privilege levels. The user will most often need to login as “user” level.
NILL> login user user
The current privilege level is reflected in the prompt. As shown above after the user logged in
as user the prompt changed to “USER>”. Log command
The log command can be used to turn on/off debugging information to help diagnose
problems. The SDT 5000 will spontaneously generate diagnostic messages. These diagnostic
messages can make automating configuration scripts difficult. To stop these messages from
being displayed enter the command:
USER> log serlg no
To reenable the status messages:
USER> log serlg yes
OK Help command
All commands in the SDT 5000 are documented with the “help” command.
USER> help
Command Summary:
alive U Read or set the keep alive timeout
apmode U Read or set the application mode
atcfg U Read or set the AT parameter
Version 1.1, 03/24/06
Page 12