HigH or no rESiStancE
poSSiblE caUSES:
1) The console cable is damaged or not properly plugged in.
2) The UCB is damaged.
3) The Generator is damaged.
4) The LCB is damaged.
1) Check the console cable connections at the UCB and LCB.
2) Check if the generator is outputting variable power:
a. Insert the probes from a multi-meter into the black and red wires on the generator wire harness connector (Figure A).
b. When pedaling, the output voltage from the generator should vary depending on the RPM. The generator should output 120 VAC at 94
3) If the generator does not have variable power, replace the generator.
4) If the generator does have variable power, replace the LCB.
figUrE a
8.7 troUblESHooting - rESiStancE iSSUES
cHaptEr 8: troUblESHooting