Error 0x04a0 (digital coMMUnication failUrE)
lEd 1
lEd 8
Error code 0x04A0 is displayed on the console.
cHEck point
poSSiblE iSSUE
LEDs 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 should be ON.
If they are OFF, the LCB is damaged.
Replace the LCB.
If LED1 is OFF.
No AC power cord plugged in.
Normal for an unpowered unit.
If LED 8 is OFF.
Bad communication between UCB and LCB.
Reconnect the console cable at the LCB and
UCB and check for kinks.
SolUtion if lEdS arE norMal:
1) If the LEDs are lit normally, replace the UCB and console cable.
2) if the issue is still present after the UCB and console cable are replaced, replace the LCB.
8.5 troUblESHooting - Error 0x04a0
cHaptEr 8: troUblESHooting