Prima di procedere a qualsiasi intervento straordinario al normale
funzionamento del macchinario oggetto del presente "manuale dell'utilizzatore", si
raccomanda di scollegare la spina di alimentazione dello stesso dalla rete di distri-
buzione elettrica principale.
Before proceeding to any operation extraordinary to the normal working
of the equipment subject of the present "user manual", it is recommended to
disconnect the electric feeding-plug of the same from the main electric net.
After having removed the packaging, ascertain Yourself of the integrity of the
equipment; do not use damaged equipments! In case of doubt contact the supplier of
the equipment.
Before connecting the motor it is important to make sure that the data contained in the
motor data-plate (usually applied onto the PCB case) corresponds to those of the
main electric net of Your establishment (chk. page 10).
The electric safety of the equipment subject of the present "user manual" is guaranteed
only when the same is carefully connected to an effective grounding-system (as
foreseen in the electric-safety-standards in force).
The manufacturer declines each responsability for probable demages caused from
the want of the grounding-connection of the electric-plant. For a correct installation it
must be foreseen an omnipolar switch (of which contacts the opening distance must
be at least 3 mm.). If there is any fuse, the suggested value is 10A.
Onto the feeding wire of the equipment it must be installed, from personnel
professionally qualified, a plug compatible with the socket of the main electric net of
Your establishment. It is forbidden using electric-adapters, multiple-sockets and/or
extension-sockets. For the three-phase motors it is not foreseen the neutral.
This equipment is destined only to the use for which it has been expressly conceived,
and precisely to link special Utensils for the food preparation. Each other use,
particulary the linking of Utensils manufactored from other firms, has to be considered
improper and then dangerous.
This equipment must only be used from personnel trained to use the same.
The installation must be carried out following the present instructions and only
from personnel professionally qualified.
The Universal-machine can be leaned on a table or fixed to its proper trolley (
that is
compulsory when using the Planetary-Mixer Utensils 23 or 30 Lt. and the
Masher&Mixer Utensils 23 or 50 Lt.
If leaned on a table, clean the surface so to allow the antiskid feet to adhere to the
The Universal-Machine can rotate on its base to allow using the Utensils in different
positions. To rotate the Universal-Machine, simply unscrew the turning-base knob and
rotate the motor-group until reaching the desired position; than block the knob.