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2014 MasterCraft Owners Manual • Guide to Individual Models
Length of Boat .........................23’4”
Width Amidship ........................ 102”
Boat Weight ....................4,350 lbs.
Length of Boat w/Platform ..25’7”
Towing Length .........................28’7”
Towing Width ............................ 102”
Fuel Capacity ................. 60 gallons
Maximum Capacity .........................
................ 16 people or 2,219 lbs.
................Bow: 5 people or 700 lbs.
Storage space is located under:
Observer’s seat, bow seating, aft and wrap-
around seating.
1 = Anchor storage
2 = Bow cleat
(where equipped)
3 = Horn
4 = Ballast tank below floor board
5 = Adjustable mirror
6 = Bilge thru-hull outlet
7 = Ballast thru-hull vent
8 = Circuit breaker panel
(on kick panel beneath
instrument panel)
9 = Navigation light
10 = Instrument panel
(details in Video Display
Gauge section)
11 = Steering wheel
12 = Shift/throttle control
13 = Heated seat
(where equipped)
Fire suppression unit manual override
15 = Subwoofer
(where equipped)
16 = Cooler
(under seat)
Garbage can
18 = Midship cleat
19 = Fuel tank filler
20 = Bilge thru-hull vent
21 = Reversible seating
22 = Engine compartment
23 = Stern cleat
24 = Stern light receptacle
(if equipped with tower,
the light will be in center aft of tower)
25 = Molded-in boarding platform
26 = Transom stereo remote
(where equipped)
27 = Underwater lights
(two, where equipped)
28 = Wake adjustment plate
(where equipped)
29 = Automatic fire extinguisher
30 = Teak platform
(or fiberglass, where quipped)
31 = Transom drain plug
32 = Transom rail with tow eye
33 = Engine exhaust
(each side)
34 = Shower wand & switch
(where equipped,
inside compartment)
35 = Freshwater tank
(where equipped)
36 = Stern cleat
37 = Ballast thru-hull vent
38 = Ski pylon
39 = Fuel tank filler
40 = Batteries ON-OFF switch
(under seat)
41 = Midship cleat
42 = Cockpit table mount
(where equipped)
43 = Center drain plug
(under inspection plate)
44 = Heated observer seat
(where equipped)
45 = Hand-held fire extinguisher
observer seat)
46 = Amp
(where equipped)
47 = Batteries
(under seat)
48 = Navigation light
49 = Glove box
50 = iPod interface
(where equipped)
51 = Stereo remote
(on dash)
52 = Bow filler cushion
(where equipped)
53 = Bow cleat
(where equipped)
Summary of Contents for 2014 14v
Page 1: ...2014Owner sManual...
Page 6: ...2014MasterCraftOwnersManual Pagev 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual...
Page 7: ...Pagevi 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual...
Page 8: ...S A F E T Y...
Page 39: ...Page1 32 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual SafetyKnowledge S A F E T Y K N O W L E D G E...
Page 40: ...G U I D E T O I N D I V I D U A L M O D E L S...
Page 109: ...Page3 50 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual Gauges VideoScreens G A U G E S V I D E O S C R E E N S...
Page 110: ...B O A T O P E R T I O N S...
Page 175: ...Page4 66 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual BoatOperations B O A T O P E R A T I O N S...
Page 176: ...P R E P A R A T I O N...
Page 193: ...Page5 18 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual Preparation P R E P A R A T I O N...
Page 194: ...C A R E A N D M A I N T E N A N C E...
Page 263: ...Page7 38 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual MasterCraftTrailers M A S T E R C R A F T T R A I L E R S...
Page 264: ...L I M I T E D W A R R A N T Y S T A T E M E N T...