Always be certain that the feet of individu-
als operating the trailer jack or in the vi-
cinity of the trailer jack are clear when the
jack is lowered into position. A considerable
amount of the trailer’s weight, and that of
the boat when it is aboard the trailer, can
be transferred through the trailer jack. This
could cause very painful injuries if feet are
not clear of the jack when it is lowered. Also
be certain that fingers and hands are clear
when moving the trailer jack because they
can be pinched in the mechanism, again re-
sulting in injury.
Tie Downs
Ensuring that a MasterCraft boat will be
held securely in place on the trailer’s hull
support (bunks), especially when under
way, is extremely important. If the boat is
not firmly and properly secured, the boat
can be damaged as it bounces against the
hull supports.
MasterCraft’s Boat Buddy System is lo
cated on the winch stand. Ask an autho
rized MasterCraft dealer to demonstrate
the proper use of the Boat Buddy System. A
separate winch strap is provided and should
be attached to secure the boat to the bow
Also, it is very important to be sure that
the transom of the MasterCraft boat is rest-
ing fully and securely on the supports pro-
vided at the rear end of the trailer, and that it
remains in place when parked or underway.
Tie-down eyes have been added on both
the bow and transom of the boat and must
be used while trailering. Buckles at the
back of the trailer must also be secured to
the boat prior to towing.
Hitching Up
• Hitch only to the ball size marked on the
• Be certain that the ball clamp captures
the ball and lever or that the hand wheel
is fully closed or tightened. Insert the
safety pin or optional lock pin.
• Cross the safety cables under the cou
• Allow only enough slack in the safety
cables to handle turns. When hitching
the trailer up, always observe each item
on the Trailer Checklist found in this
Owner’s Manual
. Hitching the trailer to
the tow vehicle may be performed by
just one person, but it is definitely easier
with a second person to help guide.
Here are the basic steps to hitch up to the
• Slowly back the tow vehicle as close as
possible to the trailer. It’s easier—and
safer—than pulling the trailer to the car
or truck.
• Check to be sure the coupler locking de
vice is released.
• Raise the front end of the trailer with the
trailer jack, position the coupler directly
MasterCraft Trailers • 2014 MasterCraft Owners Manual
Page 7-25
Summary of Contents for 2014 14v
Page 1: ...2014Owner sManual...
Page 6: ...2014MasterCraftOwnersManual Pagev 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual...
Page 7: ...Pagevi 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual...
Page 8: ...S A F E T Y...
Page 39: ...Page1 32 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual SafetyKnowledge S A F E T Y K N O W L E D G E...
Page 40: ...G U I D E T O I N D I V I D U A L M O D E L S...
Page 109: ...Page3 50 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual Gauges VideoScreens G A U G E S V I D E O S C R E E N S...
Page 110: ...B O A T O P E R T I O N S...
Page 175: ...Page4 66 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual BoatOperations B O A T O P E R A T I O N S...
Page 176: ...P R E P A R A T I O N...
Page 193: ...Page5 18 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual Preparation P R E P A R A T I O N...
Page 194: ...C A R E A N D M A I N T E N A N C E...
Page 263: ...Page7 38 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual MasterCraftTrailers M A S T E R C R A F T T R A I L E R S...
Page 264: ...L I M I T E D W A R R A N T Y S T A T E M E N T...