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2014 MasterCraft Owners Manual • Boat Operations
MasterCraft boats are equipped with
ski pylons as standard equipment, and
may also offer other optional pylons
and towers intended to be used to at-
tach rope for skiing and wakeboarding.
Note that tow ropes should never be
attached to anything but the approved
pylon or tower. Care should also be
taken by all on board to pay attention to
the tow rope because it can snap back
and hit people on-board when a skier
or wakeboarder lets go of it. Usually,
rope simply skips along the water sur-
face behind the boat, but it can become
airborne, especially if it was taut prior
to release.
Ski/wakeboard rope should never be at-
tached to anything but approved pylons
and towers because it may otherwise break
free or cause other items to break under
load. People onboard, as well as skiers and/
or wake boarders could be injured. Also, op-
erators and passengers should always pay
attention to the tow rope when the boat is
underway because tow ropes can snap back
into the boat, which could result in injury.
Attachment locations vary by model.
Guide to Individual Models
in this
Owner’s Manual
to determine
pylon and tower attachments for each
model. MasterCraft recommends stow-
ing rope when not in use. Feet, arms
and bodies can become entangled with
rope left on the deck or seating; rope
left loose behind the boat can become
airborne and swing around to strike
people on board.
Failure to properly and securely at-
tach to the tower or pylon could result
in the rope coming loose. As noted in
the above warning, individuals could
be injured if the rope is not secure.
Summary of Contents for 2014 14v
Page 1: ...2014Owner sManual...
Page 6: ...2014MasterCraftOwnersManual Pagev 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual...
Page 7: ...Pagevi 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual...
Page 8: ...S A F E T Y...
Page 39: ...Page1 32 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual SafetyKnowledge S A F E T Y K N O W L E D G E...
Page 40: ...G U I D E T O I N D I V I D U A L M O D E L S...
Page 109: ...Page3 50 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual Gauges VideoScreens G A U G E S V I D E O S C R E E N S...
Page 110: ...B O A T O P E R T I O N S...
Page 175: ...Page4 66 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual BoatOperations B O A T O P E R A T I O N S...
Page 176: ...P R E P A R A T I O N...
Page 193: ...Page5 18 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual Preparation P R E P A R A T I O N...
Page 194: ...C A R E A N D M A I N T E N A N C E...
Page 263: ...Page7 38 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual MasterCraftTrailers M A S T E R C R A F T T R A I L E R S...
Page 264: ...L I M I T E D W A R R A N T Y S T A T E M E N T...