termine location for your individual
Special Attention:
Changing the factory settings on any
stereo-related equipment may void the
manufacturer’s warranty.
The stereo and components come
with a separate manual explaining op-
eration of the devices. Please review and
become familiar with the equipment.
The iPod interface option allows the
unit to simply be plugged in and run
off the boat’s electrical system. An op-
tional plug-in location for MP3 players
is available.
Be aware that all such de-
vices are a drain on the boat’s battery
and electrical system. Care should
be taken to avoid excessive usage of
such devices and by responding to any
alarms that sound so that the boat’s
battery(ies) does not become fully dis-
Glove Box
The glove box provides easily ac-
cessible storage space for small items.
MasterCraft recommends that you keep
Owner’s Manual
in a water-resistant
plastic bag inside the glove box so that it
is quick to find in the event that trouble
shooting for any part of the boat is re-
The glove box is located on the
port side of the dash, forward of the ob-
server seat.
Several different styles of glove box
are featured, depending upon the mod-
el. All have a closable lid. To open the
glove box lids that feature a recessed
button, simply push in on the button and
it will pop up and twist to disengage the
lid from the box.
Over-stuffing a glove box can inter
fere with the lid latch’s ability to close
Special Attention:
Glove box lids should always be
closed and latched any time the boat is
in operation. While the boxes are water
resistant, if the lid is not latched securely
water can intrude and cause damage to
Page 4-46
2014 MasterCraft Owners Manual •Boat Operations
Summary of Contents for 2014 14v
Page 1: ...2014Owner sManual...
Page 6: ...2014MasterCraftOwnersManual Pagev 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual...
Page 7: ...Pagevi 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual...
Page 8: ...S A F E T Y...
Page 39: ...Page1 32 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual SafetyKnowledge S A F E T Y K N O W L E D G E...
Page 40: ...G U I D E T O I N D I V I D U A L M O D E L S...
Page 109: ...Page3 50 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual Gauges VideoScreens G A U G E S V I D E O S C R E E N S...
Page 110: ...B O A T O P E R T I O N S...
Page 175: ...Page4 66 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual BoatOperations B O A T O P E R A T I O N S...
Page 176: ...P R E P A R A T I O N...
Page 193: ...Page5 18 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual Preparation P R E P A R A T I O N...
Page 194: ...C A R E A N D M A I N T E N A N C E...
Page 263: ...Page7 38 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual MasterCraftTrailers M A S T E R C R A F T T R A I L E R S...
Page 264: ...L I M I T E D W A R R A N T Y S T A T E M E N T...