The trailer is equipped with a hydraulic
brake actuator. Trailer brakes will auto
matically apply whenever the tow vehicle’s
brakes are applied. Stopping (deceleration)
force is developed in direct proportion to
the stopping force generated by the tow ve
The breakaway system actuators will ap-
ply the trailer brakes if the trailer becomes
completely detached from the tow vehicle
while under power. Failure to properly con-
nect the breakaway system prior to towing
may result in serious injury or death and/or
property damage.
(See breakaway cable detail earlier in
this section of the
Owner’s Manual
The breakaway cable is a line of de-
fense at separation. Before the breakaway
cable is pulled, the coupler must become
detached from the hitch ball and then the
safety chains fail. At this time the break
away cable is pulled, which applies a brak
ing force to the trailer. Note that the break
away system is not intended to lock up
the trailer brakes after separating from the
tow vehicle but rather to apply just enough
braking force to keep the trailer from free-
wheeling. The breakaway system must be
reset manually after it has been activated.
A surface rust will build up on the ro
tor brake surface if the trailer isn’t used for
a week or more. The brake pads will wipe
off the rust in the first few miles of travel.
However, if the trailer has been idle for
several months, or it has been frequently
submerged in salt water and the brakes not
flushed out, severe corrosion can occur.
Try the brakes before each trip. On a
regular basis, have the brake linings in
spected, necessary adjustments made and
any damaged or worn parts replaced by an
authorized MasterCraft dealer.
Wet brakes usually do not hold especial
ly well. If the wheels have been in water,
several brake applications at slow speeds
should dry them out. If the wheel assem
blies have been submerged in salt water, it
is important to flush the rotors and calipers
thoroughly with fresh water to minimize
subsequent corrosion.
• If the stopping capacity does not meet
Page 7-20
2014 MasterCraft Owners Manual • MasterCraft Trailers
The trailer’s brakes are designed to ener-
gize automatically when the tow vehicle’s
brakes are applied. These are known as
“surge brakes.”
Some jurisdictions
do not allow surge brakes. Always check
within the locality in which you will be
When the vehicle slows down or
stops, the forward momentum (surge) of
the trailer against the hitch ball develops
hydraulic pressure in a master cylinder in-
side the trailer brake actuator. Hydraulic
lines are used to transfer pressure to the
brakes and engage them.
In most states, trailers with a Gross
Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 1,500
pounds or more are required by law to have
brakes on all wheels. (Auto manufactur
ers generally recommend brakes even with
lighter trailers.)
Trailer brakes must be maintained in good
working condition at all times. Inspect the
brake system on a regular basis and verify
proper fluid level in the actuator. The loss
of adequate braking could result in serious
injury or death and/or property damage.
Summary of Contents for 2014 14v
Page 1: ...2014Owner sManual...
Page 6: ...2014MasterCraftOwnersManual Pagev 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual...
Page 7: ...Pagevi 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual...
Page 8: ...S A F E T Y...
Page 39: ...Page1 32 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual SafetyKnowledge S A F E T Y K N O W L E D G E...
Page 40: ...G U I D E T O I N D I V I D U A L M O D E L S...
Page 109: ...Page3 50 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual Gauges VideoScreens G A U G E S V I D E O S C R E E N S...
Page 110: ...B O A T O P E R T I O N S...
Page 175: ...Page4 66 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual BoatOperations B O A T O P E R A T I O N S...
Page 176: ...P R E P A R A T I O N...
Page 193: ...Page5 18 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual Preparation P R E P A R A T I O N...
Page 194: ...C A R E A N D M A I N T E N A N C E...
Page 263: ...Page7 38 2014MasterCraftOwnersManual MasterCraftTrailers M A S T E R C R A F T T R A I L E R S...
Page 264: ...L I M I T E D W A R R A N T Y S T A T E M E N T...