NTP100 – Rev 1.0.1 Dec-04
© Masterclock
, Inc.
Set/Reset Password
To set, change or remove the password, enter ‘3’ for this option. Bear in mind that a lost/forgotten password cannot be
[Note: the factory default password is: public]
Set Display Intensity
To adjust the clock display intensity (brightness), select option ‘4’. Intensity is controlled with a scale of 1 to 14 with 14
being brightest. Enter the value for the desired intensity setting.
Set NTP Stratum Levels
To adjust the clock display intensity (brightness), select option ‘5’. An added-feature of the NTP100 are stratum levels that
are user-assignable. The NTP100 stratum levels are user assignable from 0-15, for both the external reference (primary –
GPS or Time Code) and the internal clock reference (secondary - TCXO).
The factory default stratum level settings for the NTP100 family are “2” for the External Ref, and “3” for the Internal Clock.
The Internal Clock stratum level cannot be adjusted to a reference level exceeding that of the External Reference.