5.4 Special Function “Slow Speed“ in Mode 3
You may also set up a slow speed section with the DiMAX
1203 Booster.
See the wiring diagram and setup in illustration 13.
Channel 3 operates in mode 1 (booster), channel 2 works in mode 3 (braking function “slow
speed“) and channel 1 works in mode 3 (braking function “stop“).
First, the speed for channel 2 must be set at the DiMAX
1203 Booster. Set the warning si-
gnal (advance signal) and let the train run into this section. The speed of the train is set by
pressing the mode button of channel 2 repeatedly. The speed changes in 14 steps to “0“ and
starts again with “14“. The LED of channel 2 will flash according to the speed setting: fast for
high speed, slow for slower speeds.
The set up in illustration 13 works as follows:
In case the warning signal (advance signal) is not set and the following signal shows “GO“ the
train will pass this section in normal speed. The train is powered by channel 3.
In case the warning signal is set and the following signal shows “STOP“ , the train will pass
1203B Digital Booster
Illustration 12: Wiring Diagram in Mode 3 with slow speed section and stop function