5.3 Operation Mode 3 (Booster with braking function)
Mode 3 features a brake and stop function. Illustration 12 shows the typical setup. A patented
controlling process facilitates the use of all loco functions while the train is in the braking sec-
tion. Only the speed is controlled by the DiMAX
1203B booster. In this setup channel 3 is
working in mode 1 (booster) whereas channel 2 is working in mode 3 (brake and stop functi-
In case the signal shows “GO“ the first and second block is supplied with power by channel 3,
the train will pass through.
In case the signal shows “STOP“ the relay switches over when the train passes the track con-
tact. Block 1 will be powered by channel 3 and block 2 will be powered by channel 2. The
train will stop after it passed the track contact. If the signal is changed to “GO“ the relay swit-
ches back to channel 3 and the train starts running again.
1203B Digital Booster
Illustration 11: Wiring diagram with mode 3 (braking function)