Masport PG36-3 Gas Inbuilt
Bay Louvres
1) Install top louvre by sliding the two bracket
clips into the brackets located on top of the
bay door. See below. The fitted louvre
leaves a small gap between faceplate bot-
tom and louvre top.
2) Install bottom louvre by sliding the two
bracket clips into the brackets located un-
derneath the bay door. Secure with 1
screw into each Bottom Louvre Mounting
Bracket as per diagram below. Use the
bottom hole in the bracket.
The Bay louvres MUST be used
with the Bay glass option.
The optional Bay door is an overlay on the
flush front. The standard flush door and glass
must remain on the unit.
1) Hook the top of the bay door over the flush
door flange and swing the bottom against
the bottom flange of the flush door.
2) Secure to the flush door bottom bracket with
2 screws provided.
Optional Bay Trim
Attach 4 supplied magnets each to the back
of the top and bottom trim pieces, and attach
trim to the top and bottom of Bay door.