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REF NO: m25A/om/101
Issue No: 11
7.1.2 Data Acquisition:
Another use of the MINT IO Modules is for Data Acquisition where a
(Personal Computer) Disconnected to the Network. Many SCADA software
packages support the MODBUS Master Protocol and can hence retrieve data
from Input Modules or send data to Output Modules. The
serial port
of the
PC is connected to an
RS232/RS485 Converter
which in turn is connected to
the Network.
7.1.3 Communication with Common communication processor:
This all IO modules are connecting with a Common Communication
processor, which are a Modbus Master and Modbus TCP\IP Slave. It collects
the data of these modules and stores it. The communication processor
displays this data into Ethernet network. So we can see the data at any time
at any place on network. We can also configure these modules with this
. This CP module is configuring by the MINT GUI software.