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REF NO: m25A/om/101
Issue No: 11 Viewing web pages and configure parameters.
The mINT CP is configurable through mINTPLUS software. This is used for
changing Ethernet configuration.
Note - Factory Set IP -
If no MINT CP detected, go back to testing the network connection to the
mINT CP by using the ping command. If the mINT CP replies to the ping
messages, check the setup of the MintPLUS. If it is directly connected to the
same network as the PC,” Direct connection to the network” or “by pass proxy
server for local addresses”. If the CP is connected to the PC through a
firewall, a proxy server should be selected in the configuration menu. Contact
the local network administrator for information about the network
This Window allows you to change the IP address of the mINT CP, Default
Gateway, and Subnet Mask.
IP Address
: The new IP address can be entered into the web page as shown
above. After this has been done, you must click the Submit button to send the
values to the MINT CP. The screen will now be updated and if successful will
continue to display the new IP address. The new IP address will only be
effective after the MINT CP power has been switched off and on again. This
feature allows you to check that the correct IP address has been entered
before being activated. If the IP address has been entered incorrectly and the
power has not been switched off, it is possible to re-enter the correct IP
address. If the power has been switched off and back on again, the MINT CP
will not communicate until you enter the new IP address into the address line
of the browser window.