R o b o s c a n P ro 1 2 2 0 - o p e ra t o r ’ s m a n u a l
s e c t i o n 2
I N S T A L L I N G T H E P R O 1 2 2 0
The Roboscan Pro 1220 is delivered fully prepared from the factory so only a few basic procedures
are necessary, and you will be ready to operate your new lighting equipment.
Your Roboscan Pro 1220 package comes complete with the following items:
Roboscan Pro 1220 CMYR / Pro 1220 XR / Pro 1220 RPR.
Mounting bracket including fittings.
5 metres XLR-XLR cable for control.
User's manual.
15 metres power multi-cable (Pro 1220 Studio Version only).
W A R N I N G !
Before attempting any of the following you must ensure that the fixture is dis-
connected from the mains supply.
I n s t a l l i n g t h e L a m p
Pro 1220 HMI fixtures uses the double ended HMI 1200 lamp from Osram and Pro 1220 MSR fix-
tures the single ended MSR 1200 from Philips. Please follow the procedure below in order to install
the lamp in a safe and proper way.
H M I 1 2 0 0 L A M P
Place the Pro 1220 on a table so that the mirror is up.
Locate the snap-lock on the fan-end of the fixture and press the small section on the left hand
side of this lock, thus releasing the main cover. Now, slide the whole main-cover approxi-
mately 3 cm towards the mirror and then remove it upwards, being careful not to damage the
mirror while revealing the inside of the fixture.
Locate the lamp module at the fan-end of the fixture and release the two finger screws which
secure the module to the chassis.
Pull the module straight out of the fixture being careful as you lift and then place it on a sur-
face with the bright side of the reflector upwards.
Hold the lamp with a clean cloth, avoiding touching the glass envelope with your fingers, and