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R o b o s c a n P ro 1 2 2 0 - o p e ra t o r ’ s m a n u a l
F i t t i n g t h e M a i n s P l u g
The Roboscan Pro 1220 is delivered from the factory without a plug on the mains cable. You will
have to fit a suitable plug (one that fits your local mains outlet) before you can connect the fixture
to the mains. The double insulated mains cable contains three wires.
Connect the BROWN wire to the LIVE pin.
Connect the BLUE wire to the NEUTRAL pin.
Connect the YELLOW/GREEN wire to the EARTH pin.
NOTE: If you have purchased a Pro 1220 Studio Version (Pro 1220 CMYRST / Pro 1220 XRST)
you will find the mains cable attached to the remote ballast box. Use the supplied power multi-cable
to connect the ballast box to the Pro 1220 fixture.
C h e c k i n g t h e V o l t a g e a n d F r e q u e n c y S e t t i n g
It is vital that the voltage and frequency setting on your Pro 1220 matches your local power supply.
If this is not the case, you will have to rewire the fixture as described in the section called 'HARD-
WARE SETTINGS AND ADJUSTMENT'. To check whether the factory setting is correct or not,
please do as follows:
Locate on the front of the fixture the serial number label onto which the factory setting for volt-
age and frequency is printed.
Now, check the factory setting against your local mains voltage, using the following table.
Then, check the factory setting against you local mains frequency. If you have a Pro 1220 Stu-
dio Version you will find the frequency setting on the serial number label located on the remote
ballast box.
Voltage Setting
Local Mains Voltage
Voltage Setting
Local Mains Voltage
100 V
95 - 110 V
210 V
200 - 220 V
120 V
110 - 130 V
230 V
220 - 240 V
250 V
240 - 260 V